What should I wear?
At First Church we value authentic self-expression. So wear what makes you comfortable and what makes you feel like you!
We have a small parking lot on the Aiken Avenue side of the church and another slightly larger lot on the center avenue side. All on-street parking in the vicinity of the church is free on Sundays.
You can enter the church either at the Centre Avenue doors (at the top of the big steps--these doors are open for Sunday worship) or the Aiken Avenue doors (behind the rainbow pillars). We know, the building can be a bit imposing. But the people inside are warm and welcoming! If you come in before worship, you’re likely to meet one of our friendly greeters who will give you a bulletin and a big smile and answer any questions you may have.
Are kids welcome in worship?
Worship at First Church is intergenerational. Kids not only whole-heartedly welcomed, they’re an important part of our worshipping community. So, kids of all ages are always welcome to stay in the sanctuary for the duration worship. But we recognize that from time to time everyone needs a break. So infants and toddlers are welcome to spend time in the nursery (just outside the sanctuary) with our nurturing and professional childcare specialist. And sometimes our older kids (K-5th grade) are invited to the chapel during part of the service to have a worship experience specifically oriented to their age.
Am I welcome in worship?
First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh affirms that God’s grace is present in all people. We intentionally seek openly and fully to include all persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity, immigration status, disability, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, education, or economic condition. We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all people, regardless of their spiritual path or political perspective and independent of society’s regard. God blesses us all so that together we can be God’s instruments of blessing in the world.