Sunday, February 23rd, after worship
In the Parlor
Join the first discussion on the Apartheid Free Communities project on Israel and Palestine. Following a short video we will discuss views from faith and secular human rights groups.
United Methodists for Kairos Response is a United Methodist Advocacy group working for Justice for Palestine. UMKR is asking United Methodist Congregations to participate in a project called “Apartheid-Free Communities." Our Team has decided to learn about this project. Bob Ross, from the Presbyterian‘s Justice for Palestine Network will join us to add his experience to our understanding.
Why are we doing this? As Christians, we are called to advocate for the oppressed. Apartheid is officially recognized by the U.N. as a crime against humanity. Several human rights organizations have designated Israel as meeting the criteria for an apartheid state in its methods of control over Palestinians.
We are not entering into this project lightly. It is a call from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith communities to reflect on this serious charge. It is also a call to us as Americans to reflect on U.S. support for a government identified as an apartheid state.
To begin this project, we are asking you to join us on February 23 to better understand these charges and the implications for both Palestine and the U.S.