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FUMC Summer Picnic in North Park


First United Methodist Church Summer Picnic

North Park

Sunday, Aug. 11, 2024

Join the fun and fellowship at the LAKESHORE SHELTER on Lakeshore Drive which can be found with your GPS. NORTH PARK is an Allegheny County Park in Allison Park,15101.

Arrive any time after the 10 AM worship. Our pavilion reservation is from 8 AM to dusk.

We will eat at 12:30 PM. Bring a picnic dish to share (dessert, salad, side dish, snack, fruit…). Beverage, grilled hot dogs, marshmallows, and tableware will be provided.

Activities: fellowship at the tables: singing, table games, lawn games, frisbee, catch… There is an adjacent playground for young children and access to the lake. Relax. Bring your own lawn chair.

Canoe and/or kayak: Consider joining our group using rented, two-person kayaks at 2 PM. The rental cost is $32/hour for a two-person kayak. Reservations recommended. We also will have our own canoe, paddles and life jackets on shore next to the pavilion.

Hiking: Tracy Merrick knows some great trails he can show you.

Fishing: We hope that some adults will bring their fishing equipment to assist children who want to fish. Speak to David to volunteer to help/teach folks to fish.

Swimming: the pool opens at 11:30 AM. Swimmers might want to be at the pool to swim together around 3 PM. The pool is famous for its size and beauty.

Our friends from Warren United Methodist Church are also invited to add to the fellowship and fun.

Invite your friends and family.

Consider helping us know you are coming, especially if you want to reserve a kayak.

Put a note in the offering, call the church office, email Dave Keller, or sign up at the post-worship snack counter July 28 or August 4. Or just come at the last minute!

Questions? Ideas. Contact David Keller

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