The Memorial Garden and Alcove serve as sanctuaries to remember the legacy of members of the congregation, their families and loved ones.
Set apart, but situated in the context of a loving, worshipping community, these spaces are suited for quiet reflection and joyful celebration of life and our relationship with God and one another.
Nameplates recognizing members of the family of First United Methodist Church whose lives we cherish with thanksgiving will be placed on plaques in the Memorial Alcove. One plaque will give tribute to those interred in the Garden. A second plaque acknowledges those who are interred elsewhere.
Memorial plaques may be purchased for those who died in previous generations as well as those recently deceased.

Our Memorial Garden provides a place for the burial of cremated remains. This custom celebrates the transformation from life on earth to life everlasting within the Church Triumphant.
A service of committal is offered at the time of interment. The ashes, appropriately placed, become one with the earth. No urn is used and the precise location is not marked.
The Memorial Committee will help organize a reception following the committal/memorial service if desired.
Burial in the Memorial Garden is befitting those who have been members of First United Methodist Church, their families and loved ones.
For those who have been active in the life of a church, burial on church grounds is like “coming home.” It is a way to affirm the gift of the communion of the saints and our continued connection with those we love.
A Memorial Garden in the midst of the vibrant life of the church is a place of comfort, welcome, and reflection as tribute is offered to a loved one.
The Garden is a living reminder that “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses” inspiring us to “lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely and run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” The Garden is a living witness calling us to be faithful in easy and difficult times so that we “may not grow weary or lose heart.” (From Hebrews 12)

For future need, an Advance Request for Interment form may be downloaded and submitted to the church office. Please click below to view the form.
For immediate need, please contact Pastor Tracy Cox, or phone 412-681-4222
For questions about nameplates, you may contact the current Memorial Committee Chairperson via email or the church office 412-681-4222
Fees for interment and memorial nameplates cover initial costs as well as subsequent costs for ongoing maintenance and care of the Memorial Garden and Alcove.
Interment (includes nameplate)
Additional monetary memorial gifts for loved ones may be directed to the church in support of a wide range of needs, including the endowment, outreach, stained glass window restorations, and other projects and ministries. You may call and speak to the pastor for more information.
While charitable contributions and memorial gifts are tax deductible, the cost of nameplates and interment is not.