You are able to make one-time donations or set up recurring contributions. Use Online Giving. (NOTE: If you are using a VPN service ((virtual private network)) you must disable it while using the online giving in order to open the form.)
• Direct Debit Giving (EFT) Automatically transfer funds from your checking or savings account as a one-time or recurring payment to First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh. When you use the Online Giving form, you can enter the routing number and account number for your checking or savings account. If you are not comfortable using the site or entering the information on the secure page, you can also use a paper EFT form that is available at the church.
• Credit/debit card via website Give via debit or credit card for recurring or one-time payments. Click Online Giving, then enter your gift and information (use “other” and enter a description if your item is not listed). After clicking “continue” the following page will let you enter your credit or debit card information. For frequently asked questions about online giving to First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh, click here.